What Does a Vision Board Look Like?

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Welcome to the Topic “What Does a Vision Board Look Like?”

Everyone says to focus on your goals and use them as the overarching guideline for your life, but what if you don’t know what your goals are? Establishing goals in life and having a crystal-clear vision isn’t always as easy for everyone as it may seem, and that’s perfectly normal! 

Not having a vision for what you’re aiming to manifest can be a bothersome situation to be in, and that’s exactly what a vision board is going to help you get out of today.

In essence, vision board ideas involve collages of pictures and/or things that are amalgamated on a board to help visualize what you want in life; your goals and your vision. Note that the definition seems vague and open to interpretation, and that’s on purpose; your vision board idea is supposed to be highly flexible, and you can use it to achieve whatever you may want! Some people use it for personal goals, others use it for their visions, and some use it for professional goals.

Furthermore, you have to decide on the timeline of the board; is it going to be a yearly board or something like a 10-year plan for where you see yourself in life? The choice is yours, and once again, you can be as flexible with the timeline as you please. With that said, let’s get started on what your vision board should include and what it should look like:

Things to Include

Generally, there are no limits or guidelines to be followed regarding vision board ideas; you can include anything and everything you like! As general advice, aim for things that inspire you or make you feel positively about yourself. This could also be something that is simply in line with your life values, an image or object that you think feels right to you. 

What Does a Vision Board Look Like

Specific items that you can put there also include handwritten quotes, calligraphy, and a collection of creatively cut-up materials, among many other things.

Similarly, think of anything that has sentimental value to you that can be added to your vision board as well. A lot of the goals we establish often take from the most special memories we have and these objects or pictures that have sentimental value for us act as reminders of the goals we set in accordance with them.

Making the Vision Board

Vision board ideas are as abundant as there are stars in the universe, and they’re just as magical too! Remember that this process is not like a school or college project, it’s something enjoyable, fun, and easy to do, and that’s what we will focus on with the vision board ideas we mention today. Creativity is the best quality when it comes to making a vision board, so if you want to overthink anything, overthink only how creative you can be with the ideas you come up with.

The first step of making a vision board is:

Gathering materials

Generally, the more variety, the better your board will look. Moreover, a variety of materials will allow you to come up with more creative vision board ideas, and the process of doing so will be easier too! While you’ll probably already have all you need to make the board present in your household, you might need to go shopping for one or two of the materials. 

The most fundamental part is the base, which is usually a board (as the name suggests), though you can also go with wire boards, magnetic boards, or corkboards. If you’re not at all concerned about the base of the board, you can even just cut some cardboard up and use that as your base, which is perfectly fine.

Next, you’ll need images and items for the board. In this part, you can get images for virtually any source imaginable! For example, cutouts from a magazine, printed pictures of things you love, pictures of your family, postcards; the sky is the limit.

Stationery items that you’ll most likely already have are also going to be essential, some of which are listed below:

  • Scissors
  • Pens, markers
  • Stickers
  • Paint
  • Anything else that seems like a good fit

Clarifying your vision

This is a concept that is followed all through manifestation; your vision for the manifestation and vision board idea should be as clear as possible. Picturing your board and imagining it in your head, manifesting it, is an extremely useful step in this process and will go a long way in making your board look the best that it can. Like a blueprint for the construction of a house, this will define what your board looks like and is one of the most vital parts of the process. 

Accordingly, remember to take your time with this and make sure the image you create is to your liking. You can also try using your manifestation journal (if you have one) to help clarify the vision through writing and maybe drawing out what you’re picturing.

What Does a Vision Board Look Like

Selecting the items that align with your vision and arranging them

This step will draw from the previous one; only select the items that help you realize the vision you set for yourself and define their places on the board. If you’ve chosen a quote, you can write that down or print it out in this step and decide where you would like to put it on the board. Accent items like leaves, flowers, or anything else that you might like can also be added in this step if that is something you would want.

Once you have all of the items, planning the layout of each one is the next step; try different ones and see if you like the way it looks. If you don’t, you can simply rearrange and try another one since you haven’t solidified anything in place yet.

Pick a location for the board

Ideally, the board should be placed in a location where you’re going to see it as often as possible; to remind you of your goals and manifestations. Generally, the places we look at the most are our fridges, mirrors, nightstands, and the insides of our offices or home studies. Pick whichever location seems most likely to be viewed often to you and place the board there!

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Also Read: What Goes On a Vision Board

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