6 Morning Rituals That Can Change Your Life

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If you want to manifest changes in your life, you need to change your thoughts. A morning ritual is the best way to start every day with clear intentions and mental focus. Morning rituals don’t have to be complicated or complex to be effective.

In this article, you will learn how to create a simple morning ritual that works for your needs and goals.

Why Perform a Morning Ritual?

Morning rituals are a powerful practice endorsed by everyone, from yogis to CEOs. While it is essential to strive for mindfulness all the time, and many people benefit from bedtime rituals and other practices throughout the day, there are many reasons why the morning is an especially powerful time to engage in the Law of Attraction.

Here are the most important:

Our Thoughts Are Clearer

During the day, our minds tend to get bogged down with the daily details of life. Sleep clears the mind, removing waste and helping refresh the brain. Starting with a naturally clear mind helps with focus as we set our intentions.

We Have More Energy

While many people struggle with grogginess in the morning, most people have more energy, which improves our mental strength and optimism. For people who lack energy in the morning, a morning ritual can help boost energy levels for the day ahead.

Set Your Intentions

All too often, the evening contains regrets for the things we did not do or accomplish during the day. A morning ritual helps set a goal for the day, focusing on your intention and helping ensure that you meet your most important intentions.

Steve Jobs famously started each day by asking, ‘If today was the last day of my life, would I be happy with what I’m about to do today?’

In other words, the morning is the best time to incorporate a daily practice that will help create clarity, focus, energy, and willpower to help you get the most out of each day.

What Should a Morning Ritual Include?

Everyone needs to find the morning ritual that works best for them. However, the perfect morning ritual includes the following elements.

Light Exercise and/or Breathing

Exercise in the morning helps regulate stress, as the stress hormone cortisol is naturally highest in the mornings, and it also boosts energy and metabolism for the day ahead. You can also get many benefits of physical exercise with a daily morning deep breathing practice, which has been part of yoga and Ayurvedic medicine since ancient times.


Meditation can be part of daily breathing practice or done independently. It helps calm the thoughts and has been shown to improve mental focus and problem-solving. Morning meditation takes advantage of the early clarity of the mind, helping to improve mental and physical health.

Chakra Balance

Again, chakra balancing can be part of your meditation practice or done separately. Balancing your chakras ensures that your body, mind, and spirit are aligned, and you are bringing your full capabilities and whole being to the tasks ahead of you today.


Self-affirmation is a powerful way to improve your well-being and mental health.


Setting daily intentions is a critical aspect of the Law of Attraction and helps shape the day ahead to meet your deepest goals.

Including all these elements may sound like a time-consuming or complex practice for a busy morning,  but it doesn’t have to be. The goal of a morning ritual is to wake up the body, calm the mind, align your energies, and then focus them on the day ahead. The exact elements and the amount of time is up to you. 

Morning Ritual

How to Create Your Own Simple Morning Ritual

Based on the above principles, here are the elements you can combine into creating your own simple but powerful Law of Attraction morning ritual.

1. Activate the Body: Exercise

If you love to hop out of bed and go for a run or hit the gym, then incorporate that into your daily practice. On the other hand, if you prefer to keep it simple with a set of sun salutes or light stretches, that’s a great option.

2. Breathing

Breathing helps activate the body and clarify the mind. Depending on your preference, you can incorporate it into your exercise routine or make it part of your daily meditation.

3. Calm the Mind: Meditation

Sleep naturally purifies the mind, but meditation allows you to focus and control your thoughts. The ability to understand, control, and focus your mental energies is critical for manifesting your goals.

4. Align the Energies: Chakra Balancing

The best way to manifest your goals is to ensure that your body, mind, and spirit are aligned and focused on your intentions. If you are imbalanced, you may be blocking yourself without realizing it.

If you are in a state of imbalance, you may need to care for your specific needs. For example, you may incorporate chakra balancing into your meditation practice for a simple daily morning ritual or use chakra affirmations in your daily intentions.

5. Set Intentions: Affirmations

Affirmations confirm that you are powerful and capable of achieving your intentions. They speak your unity and ability out loud, manifesting your energy into the world.

6. Set Intentions

Once you feel energized, powerful, and focused, set or speak your goal(s) for the day. Then, depending on your schedule, needs, and goals, you can create a morning ritual that takes just 10-15 minutes of deep breathing and chakra meditations and affirmations, and intentions.

Or you can take more time to meet your daily needs with more activity, deeper alignment, and more focus.


The most critical element in a morning ritual is your focus and intention. There is a risk that, instead of a ritual, these steps may become a routine.

If it becomes too habitual, your thoughts may wander, or you may not bring your mindfulness to every step. Therefore, whatever morning ritual you create, engage with it fully, and re-evaluate it regularly to ensure it is still meeting your needs.  

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