Manifestation Techniques: How to Manifest What You Want

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The Law of Attraction is built on the idea that you have the power to manifest anything you desire. To ‘manifest’ is simply to take an idea or intention from within you and make it appear in the world around you. Thus, the world within you and the universe around you are interconnected and share the same energies.

In fact, we are all manifesting all the time. But most of us are manifesting unconsciously, often based on internal negative thoughts. The Law of Attraction teaches us to manifest consciously, redirecting ourselves toward positive thoughts and goal-directed intentions.

While you can simply remember and refocus your thoughts on your positive goals, Law of Attraction manifestation techniques are practical tools you can use to methodically reprogram your mind. Here are some of the most effective manifestation techniques.

The 369 Manifestation Method

You may have seen the 369 Manifestation Method on TikTok, where it has been trending this year. The 369 Method is a simple way to combine the power of numerology with the Law of Attraction to manifest your intentions.

How to Use the 369 Manifestation Technique

  1. Immediately upon waking in the morning, write down your intention 3 times. Alternatively, write your goal 3 times (money, for example).
  2. In the afternoon, write down your intention 6 times. Alternatively, write your intention 6 times (for example, a pay increase at work).
  3. In the evening, just before bed, write your intention 9 times. Alternatively, write an action item 9 times (for example, My boss will offer me a raise)
  4. Repeat this 369 writing technique 3 times a day until your goal manifests

Why the 369 Manifestation Method Works

The 369 method works partly by focusing and directing your thoughts toward your intention. It is the first thing you think of in the morning and the last thing you think of at night.

It also works by harnessing the power of numerology. The number 3 is the number of communication, openness, and connectedness, expressing your intention out into the universe. The number 6 represents strength, nurturing, and support as the universe receives your message. The number 9 represents transformation and completion as you manifest your intention.

It also works by the simple psychology of breaking down your big goals into smaller, actionable steps and then helping you take those steps.

The Manifestation Journaling Method

Journaling is a powerful way to uncover your deepest desires and most powerful intentions. Many other manifestation techniques also require writing and self-exploration, so a manifestation journal can simplify and empower almost any other manifestation techniques you choose to use.

You may prefer a Manifestation Journal that is full of prompts, techniques, and inspiration to help you realize your dreams, or you may simply prefer a beautiful blank journal with more space for free-form reflection and intentions.

Manifestation Techniques

How to Use a Manifestation Journal

  1. Write down your most important desire (ideally, only one desire per journaling session).
  2. Write down why you want it.
  3. Write a detailed description of yourself and/or your life with that thing. Write in the present tense (for example, ‘I have true deep love’), and describe everything you feel and experience with that thing. Include all your senses in the description, so write about what you see, hear, feel, smell, and taste when your desire is fulfilled.

Why Manifestation Journaling Works

Journaling has a wide range of benefits for our mental health and well-being. It helps us know ourselves better and express ourselves more clearly, without the risk of judgment or misunderstanding. Most people find that the longer they write about something, the deeper and clearer, and specific their thoughts about it become. This detail and focus help to manifest your desires.

Journaling also helps you track your thoughts, feelings, and goals over time. In addition, it allows you to reflect upon and celebrate your growth and successes, which boosts your self-esteem and sense of empowerment.

There are many manifestation journaling techniques, so you can easily try many methods and use the one that works best for you.

The 3 x 33 Manifestation Method

The 3×33 Manifestation Method works best when based on work done in a manifestation journal because it requires deep exploration of your desires and feelings. The more powerful your desires and emotions are, and the clearer your intentions, the more powerfully you attract the manifestation.

How to Use the 3×33 Manifestation Method

  1. Identify what you want to manifest. Be as clear and specific as possible (for example, a new career).
  2. Identify why you want to manifest this thing. Pay special attention to how the fulfillment of your desire makes you feel (for example, a new career makes me feel excited about work).
  3. Create your positive affirmation for this intention, focused on the feeling (for example, I feel excited to go to work in my new career).
  4. Write this affirmation 33 times a day for 3 days. Avoid writing it automatically. Allow yourself to experience the positive emotions with every repetition, dwelling in the feelings that this intention gives you.
  5. Rest and trust that the universe is aligned with your wishes and bringing you everything you desire.


Manifestation techniques are designed to clarify and focus your intentions and then recall them to generate the energy that attracts everything you wish to manifest with your full attention and focus.

There are hundreds of manifestation techniques, so you can use one that best fits your lifestyle, intentions, and mental habits. You may also modify your favorite manifestation method to recall your intentions to your mind more frequently and with more focus.

The goal is to consciously reprogram your energies, so use a manifestation method that is most effective for you.