4 Law of Attraction Tips: Gratitude

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Don’t miss one of the most powerful ways to manifest all your deepest desires and biggest life goals – is using the power of gratitude. Every single day, say what you are grateful for, say it out loud, thank people, thank the universe, and write it down.

Wake Up with Gratitude

Start each and every day with a feeling of appreciation. Before you get out of bed or do anything in the morning, thank the universe for waking up, for being in this home, for whatever first comes to mind. You can just think this in your head, or say it out loud. Be thankful that you woke up in your warm bed, be grateful for your kids or your partner sleeping next to you, for the dog who wants to go for a walk, for the cup of coffee you are about to enjoy.

Say Gratitude Out Loud Throughout the Day

A powerful way to show gratitude is to say thank you to the universe every time you do anything or feel appreciation. It can be as simple as being glad your dogs are healthy, enjoying the sunshine, or just having a wonderful hot cup of coffee in the morning.

Whenever you feel grateful, say gratitude! Say it out loud, even if it seems funny to you. Thank anything and everything you feel grateful for during the day, tell people thanks when they hold the door open, thank the many blessings in your life.

How to Write a Gratitude Journal Law of Attraction

The first step is to find a journal or notebook. You can use any type of notebook that you like, but it may be helpful to find one that is specifically for gratitude journaling. Once you have found the right journal, the next step is to start writing in it.

It can be helpful to set aside some time each day to write in your journal. However, you can also write in it whenever you feel like it. Some people prefer to write in their journals at the beginning of each day, while others prefer to write in them whenever they have time. The most important thing is to make sure that you are writing in your appreciation journal regularly.

This is the key to getting the most out of it.

When you are writing in your gratitude journal, there are a few things that you can do to make sure that you are getting the most out of it. First, make sure to write down what you are grateful for. This can be anything from big things to small things.

Some people like to focus on one thing that they are grateful for each day, while others prefer to write down several things. There is no right or wrong way to do this. The important thing is to be specific about what you are grateful for.

In addition to writing down what you are grateful for, you can also include a brief

explanation of why you are grateful for it. This can help to remind you of all the reasons why you are grateful for something.

If you are having trouble thinking of things to be grateful for, there are a few brainstorming exercises that you can do. One option is to think about all of the good things that have happened to you in the past week.

Another option is to think about all of the things that you are looking forward to in the future.

You can also brainstorm things that you are grateful for by thinking about your personal strengths and the people and things in your life that make you happy.


Be Grateful When You Are Scripting

Lastly, you can show gratitude for something you are trying to manifest, that hasn’t happened yet. This is done in the form of scripting. If you are trying to manifest money, write that you are grateful for receiving all this money, or for the abundance in your life. Start doing this in the morning, expressing gratitude for what you want to receive that day.

For example:

Thank you for the many blessings I received today.

Thank you, universe for such a wonderful day.

I am grateful for the abundance I received today.

I am grateful for my health and vitality today.


To further instill gratitude in your subconscious, write down what you are grateful for each day. Use a Gratitude Journal to record the many blessings in your life. This helps you focus your thoughts and get into the mindset of appreciation. Many people prefer doing this in the morning when they first wake up. Whatever you feel the most gratitude for in the morning, write down, and that will improve your mood for the day. You can also write down a few things in the evening, reflecting on what brought you gratitude during the day.