What is Manifestation in the Bible?

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Welcome to the Topic “What is Manifestation in the Bible?”

The idea of manifestation has been around for long, but in the last few years, it has become much more popular. But what does it really mean? And what does the Bible have to say about it? Let’s dig a little deeper to answer these questions.

What Does “Manifestation” Mean?

Manifestation is the idea that you can make something good happen in your life by “claiming” it and believing it will. By doing a quick search on the Internet you will find some of your favorite celebrities saying they became successful and wealthy by focusing on their goals and dream lives until they came true. Some people swear by the “3-6-9 method,” in which they write down their wants and desires several times a day until they come true. When you use manifestation, you try to take charge of your life.

So, what does the Bible say about bringing things into being? Even though the Bible doesn’t talk about manifestation directly, the Lord tells us over and over again that He is in charge and we are not. When we try to run our own lives, we forget that God is in charge, that He can be trusted, that His plan is perfect, and that He can give us a full life.

Prayer vs. Manifestation

In prayer, we tell God what we want and trust Him to make it happen (Ephesians 3:20) rather than relying on the “universe” or our own power to make it happen. When you try to make something happen, you are trying to leave God out of the picture. God doesn’t say the word “manifestation” in the Bible, but He does tell Christians to pray and bring Him their needs (Philippians 4:6-7).

What is Manifestation in the Bible
What is Manifestation in the Bible?

If you want to stop relying on God and start putting your faith in the world around you, here are four things to remember.

God is the one in charge of everything

“He alters times and seasons; he removes and installs kings; he bestows wisdom and understanding upon the learned; he discloses deep and hidden truths; he understands what is in the night, and the light abides with him.” (Daniel 2:21-22)

God is in charge of our lives. He is in charge of everything that happens and how things turn out. When we remember this, we realize how much power God has over us humans, and we are humbled by the fact that any good in our lives comes from God, not from what we do or think.

We can trust that God will use everything for our good

“And we know that everything works out well for those who love God and do what he tells them to do.” (Romans 8:28)

When we want to “take the wheel” or find a new way to get something done, it’s usually because we think we know what’s best for us. We don’t have bad news! God is holy and knows everything, so He knows what is best for us. 

You can trust that even the worst things that befall us will work out for our good and God’s greater glory.

God’s plan can’t be changed

“I know you can achieve anything and that nothing can stop you from attaining what you desire.” (Job 42:2)

In Genesis, sin changed people forever, but it never changed God’s plan. God knew what would happen to Adam and Eve, and He also knew that Jesus would die on the cross to save all people. God says that irrespective of how we try to plan, change, or steer our lives, His plan will be carried out.

God Offers Us Abundant Life in Christ

“The only things the thief cares about are stealing, killing, and shattering. I come to give them a full and abundant life.” (John 10:10)

We don’t have to work hard to have a full life because Christ gives it to us for free. It’s easy to want things from this world in the hopes that they will make our lives better, fuller, or more successful. If we are always wanting things from this world or things other than what Christ wants for us, we will miss out on the life Christ has for us right now. There is no better way to live than to stay close to God.

God’s plan is better than any plan we could ever make, no matter how much we want to be in charge of our jobs, relationships, and families. And His plan is superior! Even if you’re not trying to “manifest” a mansion or the perfect partner, don’t ignore the parts of your life where you think you’re doing fine (or better) with your own plans.

No matter what we say or do or how positive we try to be, the seasons and our lives will change. But God has planned not only our lives on earth but also our eternity with Him. We can rest in the fact that God is strong, loving, good, and perfect, even if we try to make the decisions or “manifest” what we think is best.

What else can you do?

There are things we can do instead that are in line with the Bible.

What is Manifestation in the Bible
What is Manifestation in the Bible?


Give this wish to God and ask for His help to make it come true. Pray for discernment, too, so that you can hear God’s voice and the Holy Spirit can give you the wisdom to know what to do.

Give in to what God wants

Let’s not be too set in what we want that we miss or ignore what God wants. Have faith in the fact that God wants the best for you and that He will help you as you pray.


Biblically-based affirmations are when you say God’s words back to yourself, which are true, and say that they are true about you and your dreams. You’re dreaming with God and trying to do what He wants, not what you want.

Do your part

If you are praying for more money, then you need to figure out how to make that happen and do it. No matter what it is, once we have told God what we want and asked for His help, we should do the work to make it happen.

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Also Read: How To Use Scripting Manifestation